>> Cuadernos Ecclesia in America

:: Cuaderno Red Ecclesia in America 2022, Ano II, nº 8

:: Cuaderno Red Ecclesia in America 2022, Ano II, nº 7

:: Cuaderno Red Ecclesia in America 2022, Ano II, nº 6

:: Cuaderno Red Ecclesia in America 2022, Ano II, nº 5

:: Cuaderno Red Ecclesia in America 2022, Ano II, nº 4

:: Cuaderno Red Ecclesia in America 2021, Ano I, nº 3

:: Cuaderno Red Ecclesia in America 2021, Ano I, nº 2

:: Cuaderno Red Ecclesia in America 2021, Ano I, nº I


>> Call for papers

:: We are issuing a call for papers on the pandemic and its theological, social, political, economic, and health-care dimensions as they relate to the Americas and our common home in América.

:: Dios en tiempos de pandemia, by Maria Clara Bingemer

:: La eucaristía y el cuerpo de la mujer en tiempos de pandemia, by Olga Consuelo Vélez

:: Pope Francis, Amazonia, and the Social Question, by David Lantigua

:: Teófanes, Pablo y la Mandrágora, by José Carlos Caamaño




>> Books


:: Mysticism and Witness in Koinonia - Inspiration from the Martyrdom of Two Twentieth-Century Communities.

Cascade Books, 2023. Maria Clara Bingemer.


:: Puentes y no muros - Construyendo la Teología a través de América

Compilation of Maria Clara Bingemer and Peter Casarella. - 1st ed. – Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires : Agape Libros, 2022. <Index>


:: Liberación, sabiduría popular y gratuidad - Una introducción a Juan Carlos Scannone

Authors: Iván Ariel Fresia e Maddonni Luciano. Edited by María Sol Besada; photographs: Enrique M. Del Percio; prologue: Emilce Cuda. Beccar : Poliedro Editorial de la Universidad de San Isidro, 2021. <Digital File >


:: An Ecological Theology of Liberation

What is the relationship between salvation, human liberation, and care for creation? Extending the ideas presented in Gustavo Gutierrez's A Theology of Liberation, Daniel Castillo embraces a green liberation theology that recognizes the need for political and ideological paradigm shifts in relation to globalization. See more...


>> Articles

:: Booklets Cristianisme i Justicia – num. 175 - February 2020

:: Transforming the church and society from a feminine perspective – Maria Clara Bingemer

:: Revista Teologia - Pontifícia Universidade Católica Argentina

:: Ecclesia in América: 20 años (I) - Maria Clara Bingemer - Vol 56, No 129 (2019)

:: Ecclesia in América: 20 años (II) - Maria Clara Bingemer - Vol 56, No 130 (2019)

:: Mystical Experience: Women’s Pathway to Knowledge - published in Religions as part of the Special Issue The Philosophy of Mystical Experience and is available online: WEBSITE - PDF VERSION

:: Theologians, ministers and pastors build bridges across the church in the Americas - published in National Catholic Reporter: WEBSITE - PDF VERSION


>> New papers

:: Madre Tierra: Peruvian Women’s Art as Picturing Paradise - Rebecca Berrú Davis (14 mar 2021)

:: Retos y Luces de los Inmigrantes Hispanos, en Diócesis de Lafayette IN, Durante la pandemia - Dora Tobar (10 mar 2021)

:: Pandemia y Cuaresma: recomenzar desde los pobres - Quique Bianchi (10 mar 2021)

:: Teología cristiana de la Madre Tierra - Ivone Gebara (07 fev 2021)



>> Podcasts

:: Peter Casarella: Voices of the marginalized & indigenous bring God closer

Monday, October 26, 2020
Divcast (Duke Divinity School podcast)